2.2.4 - alpha slider will be automatically enabled if initial 'alpha' option is set - disabled autocorrect and autocapitalize on valueElement and alphaElement 2.2.3 - fixed warning message for unparseable data-jscolor configuration - specifying passive flag (false) when registering touch event listener to prevent console warning - removed outdated polyfills for event listeners 2.2.2 - attaching ontouchstart listener only to picker box - this fixes usability issues on touch devices. (Thanks to Brendon M.) - added static method jscolor.hide() that hides the color picker box (in addition to existing pickerInstance.hide() method) 2.2.1 - color picker won't show on disabled target elements - increased default z-index to 5000 2.2.0 - added support for **alpha channel (opacity) and RGBA output format** - added support for query selectors - elements can now be specified using **CSS query selectors** - element IDs in all element-related options now **must be prefixed with '#' character** in order to be valid CSS selectors - toString() method now returns a color code in current format (and includes leading '#' in case of HEX format) - property styleElement renamed to previewElement - property onFineChange renamed to onInput - property overwriteImportant renamed to forceStyle - property closable renamed to closeButton - property insetWidth renamed to controlBorderWidth - property insetColor renamed to controlBorderColor - method jscolor.init() renamed to jscolor.install() - methods fromHSV() and fromRGB() are now deprecated, but still supported. Use fromHSVA() and fromRGBA() instead. - removed properties 'rgb' and 'hsv'. Color channels are now accessible via channel() method. - removed property 'activeClass'. Use static property jscolor.activeClassName - added options: format, alpha, alphaElement, alphaChannel, onChange, previewSize, previewPosition, previewPadding - added experimental options minA, maxA - added methods option(), channel(), trigger(), fromHSVA(), fromRGBA(), toRGBAString(), toBackground() - added static method jscolor.trigger() - added static properties jscolor.className, jscolor.activeClassName - added static property jscolor.looseJSON that enables/disables support for loose JSON syntax (enabled by default) - the options parser now uses JSON.parse() by default and alternatively tries to parse loose JSON syntax by evaluating options as a JS code (if jscolor.looseJSON is enabled) - increased default padding for 'small' preset - removed outdated polyfills. The oldest IE supported is now IE10